Saturday, April 26, 2008

Less than a month

May 26th,the party is over. In one month, over 30,000 participants, will have participated in Ottawa's Race Weekend, much money will have been raised, for the regional charity, Ottawa Hospital Foundation, and for the national charity, The Canadian Athletes Now a non profit, dedicated to raising funds for our underfunded Canadian Amateur Athletes.

We are all so much more capable of great things, or of doing something new, like the young child who will do the Kid's marathon, and the 80 yr old who will cross the finish of a marathon, the memories created on Race Weekend will last forever.

Consider this, we all have it in us.

I don`t wear Nike's, nothing personal, just never have, maybe one day I will, however I am a big believer in this. Simply, naturally, purely, add much fear and enthusiasm in the following: "Just DO IT!"