Friday, May 2, 2008

Doing what it takes to BE Strong

In December, I was planning my "Boot Camp" sessions in my mind. I have completed week 3 of a 6 wk program which has me show up at 5:30AM and work harder than I have ever worked in my life, with a bunch of women who, simply put, pay to get stronger, even if it means we sometimes get yelled at. Inevitably, it is the fastest hour of my day.

Their t-shirt reads "It's Hard, It's Fun, it Works"

It is complementing what I am attempting to do. Run my 5th marathon in 3 weeks. It is also advancing what I will be accomplishing on July 18th. My one and only 50K run in my Alberta.

I am building a stronger body, and hoping the mind will follow. It is the mind that will take me places I never dreamed of.

I strongly recommend

Rob Harris is the COACH! He and his wife run the camps and they are filled with amazing women from all walks of life, size and shape. Sign up for one of his camps, usually one month at a time, or drop in and do one of his Kettle Bell classes, open to men on Saturdays only. My Carl, with a Kettle Bell.... :)

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